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Old 08-10-2006, 11:45 AM   #301
The boy who cried Trout
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: TX
Originally Posted by PilotMan
Yesterday was a rough day for us.

We traveled to Ft Worth for a short two day visit to the grandparents house for swimming, relaxation and horse rides. Everything went really well until last night. My kids were taking turns riding one of the horses and Zachary (4) had already ridden and Ean (almost 3) was taking his turn when the horse spooked and sent him flying.

He came down on his head, on a rock. There was blood everywhere but he didn't get knocked out. A friend, who is a nurse, rushed us to the childrens hospital. She called ahead and when we got there they took us in right away. He was in a lot of pain, but stayed awake.

They did some blood work, xrays and a CT scan, and everything came back negative. You have no idea how scary it was to see your baby in a neck collar. He was alright except for the 2 in crescent shaped gash on his forehead and the numerous scrapes under his left eye.

He did his so well, and after a little more crying and 17 stiches (13 exterior, 4 interior) he got to go back home. We are traveling back to our house today. I am hoping that we don't have any problems in the airport with all the extra security. It was a good trip, just ended with more excitement then any of us would ever hope for.

Please put my "tiny" in your thoughts and prayers as he heals over the next few weeks.


Ugh. I'm very sorry to hear that, Pilotman. Brings back some bad memories for me.
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