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Old 07-05-2019, 10:47 AM   #222
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Newburgh, NY
Originally Posted by ISiddiqui View Post

Anyways, that being said, I think a lot of moderate Republicans just went in too deep.

This has been my argument for years. Plenty of GOP electeds weren't personally racist, but they were willing to do what they needed to do to make sure the racists voted for them. Every time they'd examine what needed to be done to expand the party enough of them would push back so that the goal was to motivate more white voters. Eventually enough of them became comfortable limiting voting access. Eventually enough of them became comfortable attacking religious minorities. Eventually enough of them became comfortable with cruelty towards immigrants.

Every step of the way it was justified by saying the Dems made us go there, band so few people objected that now the GOP is a White Nationalist party with no obvious path towards a more inclusive party.
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