Thread: Gay Marriage
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Old 01-24-2013, 06:36 AM   #117
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2002

Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
If it's about religion, why are they not upset when Atheists get married at the courthouse? Why is there not an equal push to force them to call their marriage a civil union? I guess I just feel the marriage is a religious term is a copout for them. If this was truly about preserving their tradition, they should be equally appalled if an Atheist is considered married.

People using organized religion to support their own personal bias or for nefarious motive is not a new or different idea. Organized religion itself isn't bad, but like guns, people can use it to do that things in the name of bigotry.

Marriage isn't a religious term either. And I don't think a group of people of any belief should be able to come together, take ownership of something that others have used long before, and claim they are the only ones who can have it. To me this is like a religion claiming that wine is part of their religion and that no one should be able to have it unless they are religious.

Ultimately I don't care what it's called as long as everyone is the same in the government's eyes. If they want to call everyone's marriage a civil union, so be it. And religious groups can do what they want in their own private ceremonies. And that doesn't just go for same-sex marriages, it goes for all types of marriage. I feel this isn't much different than demanding that interracial marriages be called civil unions because marriage is a white thing.

FWIW, the government should label all "marriages" as civil unions to get out of this quandary all together. Give all couples the same label and the same benefits. Like it or not, a significant amount of the populous identify marriage as a religious term, so why not skip the debate and start fresh with something new that applies to all couples?
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