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Old 06-27-2018, 06:11 PM   #10756
Marc Vaughan
SI Games
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Melbourne, FL
Originally Posted by CU Tiger View Post
Then again maybe if we drive away enough corporations, maybe it will solve the immigration problem. I mean a poverty stricken land with no jobs and a gluten of unemployable workers is what they are leaving. If we turn America into that maybe it will be less desirable. Thats a hell of a long game, Ill give you that.

Historically if you look into economics taxation of the rich or corporations is in no way an impediment to their existence or whether they flourish, in fact high taxation actually can be argued to encourage growth because it tends to be reinvested in the citizens of a country and drive higher levels of education, productivity and income.

Right wing politicians (in all countries I've lived in) pedal the concept that the rich and corporations would flee if they were taxed more - this is simply their way of trying to bully people into a corner.

With regards to US companies think about it logically - they will still need to function and sell products within the US, so they aren't going anywhere so long as they're profitable they'll stay and contribute.

If you don't enforce corporations paying tax and giving back to society you end up unable to provide basic services for your country such as infrastructure, medical provision and education ... hmmm sounds familiar?
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