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Old 01-10-2007, 11:55 AM   #150
Join Date: May 2004
I've yet to miss a season of the Biggest Loser and honestly, I get my inspiration from them. Never in my wildest dreams did I even consider jogging at my weight but after watching the show, I felt I could and it has helped. I haven't lost a lot of weight, but have lost a lot of inches and that's progress.

Nev I'm rooting for you and it can be done, gluck with it. I'm not sure how much of the dynasty you've read, but I have a lot of information regarding SouthBeach if ya want it.

Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
've found it much easier to control my urges when I would have to physically go back to the pantry, open the bag, and take more. I'm able to shame myself into not going through with it before that happens. I basically look at the calories on the bag, decide how many I can have, only take that many, and that's the end of it.

Out of sight, out of mind... good idea. I'll have to do that so I don't get tempted with the snacks that I buy for Ant and the kids.
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