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Old 06-12-2019, 08:19 PM   #8
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
This is the single top issue facing any developed nation today. Like tarcone, I believe that the earth will take care of itself, eventually killing off most of the human race, with the current path that we're on. But I believe the problems that will cause that at the current time are man made, and I believe we can take action to limit the destruction as much as possible. I fear we've passed a point where we can just fix everything, and that now we may already be in damage control mode. But still, we should aim to do as much damage control as possible.

As far as what to do - Get the entire world on renewable and clean energy. It's a massive expensive undertaking - one that would boost infrastructure and new industries and create countless jobs. Aggressively pursue Lab grown meat. Carbon Taxes! I'm sure there's tons more, I'm sure there are huge nuances to much of this as well. But its THE top issue facing our nation, and right now very few people in power act like it is, so just getting to that point that everyone agrees we need to do SOMETHING is the critical first step (that i doubt ever happens).
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