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Old 04-28-2015, 06:10 AM   #1425
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
So, Font, my thinking on your shot was that A) I had tried not to give any hint on whether I was Duke or Hunter, and so I was hoping that you were bluffing trying to get me to make some claims. B) I knew you and I were the last Hunters left, and you had a chance to either be the Cultist or The Blank, so I figured there were good odds your shot wouldn't work. If it didn't, the wolves would never think I was the seer and I would survive some night kills. And C) I didn't have any information to give other than that Narc was good, and I knew people would figure that out if they went back and looked.

I honestly was sure you were either the Cultist or Wolf and figured you were pushing me so hard to try to push a claim. I still don't understand why you thought it was a good idea to force a seer claim out of me at that point in the game. Yes, you gave me plenty of warning, but if each Hunter forced someone to make a claim completely on their own, where would that get us? I would have been killed pretty darn quickly one way or the other.
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