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Old 04-09-2015, 11:18 AM   #163
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Alzar pulls back and tries to control some, but the undead leader, with the sword, can’t be broken here. The undead horde are all former barbarians.

Suddenly the leader barks and darkness surrounds Alzar and he’s in a Darkness, 15’ Radius effect. He backs out, and grabs the Ioun Stone from his belt and uses it – it enables him to see in darkness, even magical. Alzar doesn’t have a lot of spells that are good against mass undead he can’t control. He already cast Wail of the Banshee (nd it wound; work anyway,) Hold Undead will just paralyze three, and spells like Skulltrap won’t hurt them. Power Words, Finger of Death, charming, domination, all of those just don’t work. He moves the Earth Elemental in front of him, and casts Evard’s Black Tentacles to snag some creatures. But they keep coming.

He flies up on the Carpet and watches as the Elemental and the undead begin to battle. He casts Searing Serpent to give them another creature to fight, and the leader is smart, and grabs some water from an old well and puts it out this turn. Alzar flies off and then teleports away. He’ll spend the night resting and learning a slightly different set of spells the next day.

He teleports back over in the morning and conjures a water and earth elemental, and then an invisible stalker and 8 shadows from summon shadow. Aegis, his golem is out as well.

He is about a five minute walk from the undead home, and they head over. It looks like a handful of undead died to the tentacles and earth elemental the previous day. Alzar casts Hold Undead to freeze a pair of foes as his group moves in. The leader is smart, and uses the two handed sword to good effect. But this battle is never in doubt, Alzar has too many heavies. Soon enough the undead fall, and the leader is the only one standing. Alzar drops down with axe in hand and melee begins. His foe wins init 5 vs 2 and the two handed sword bounces off his Bright Barrier. His axes carves into the undead creature, hews off some damage, and the combined damage from other sources is enough to end things.

A quick check verifies that there are no other items here, just the weapon.

Alzar teleports back to the barbarians and verifies that yes, this is the two-handed sword – the Harmonizer, it’s +2 in most, but +5 when used by a thief and gains other abilities.

As Alzar touches the four weapons together, a portal opens up. He walks through.
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