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Old 05-08-2010, 11:24 AM   #254
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The hallway curves and they come to a door. Alzar opens the door and inside is a surprise. 8 skeletons standing around wooden benches, who move to attack, just before all of them join Alzar’s team.

XP 100 for just Alzar

You never know when you are going to find friends!

A search of the room finds nothing. There are two doors to the south. Alzar grabs the one farther away. Inside is a library with many shelves of books and two small tables with chairs. They are about agriculture, and the service of Bathala, with one sample book called A Most Worshipful Guide to Benign Bathala. A search finds nothing.

They head back out and the skeletons open the door to the next room. This appears to be a small meeting room with a table, chairs, and an unopened bottle of wine on a shelf with glasses. They open the door to the east and as they move into the small hallway between the two rooms, out come 15 goblins, five from a secret door in the meeting room, five from the hallway, and five more into a room in front of them and they all attack!

The skeletons are ordered to attack, while Alzar and crew have goblins in their rear and front.

The goblins win init because of their ambush. A skeleton takes 4 damage. (they have 6). Alzar takes 8 damage.


The ones in the back arrive. Alzar kills a gobby. Estaish does too. The skeles kill three. Alzar wins and misses. Aleigha kills a gob. The skeles finish off the other two. 7 left by the group. Alzar takes 6 and Estaish takes 2. Alzar orders tem to switch with the skeles. They do so.

Alzar 35/51
Estaish 3/19

The goblins attack the skels and kill two. They swing back and kill 3 gobs – 4 left. They win init and kill two more. A skel takes 1. The gobls win and miss. The skeles kill the last two.

6 skeletons left.

XP – 50 each

The secret doors are one ways and cannot be reentered, so they move into the big room with a rack and table, and a few other minor torture implements recently added. A search finds up nothing. They can go south or eash into the room the gobs came from. They go east and enter a large room with a giant table and 16 chairs, numerous bed rolls, and more. They search twice and find nothing. They head back out and go through the south door.
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