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Old 07-31-2016, 01:29 PM   #445
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
You don a red robe, taken from one of the dead acolytes, and raise its black hood to keep your face hidden. The folds of this voluminous garment cover your weapons as well as your clothing, and a haversack taken from another acolyte battle-corpse is large enough to conceal your Backpack. Confident that you can pass for one of them, you run to the quayside and join with those acolytes who are now climbing aboard the longboat.

When your turn comes, you leap from the quay onto the deck of the ship. You land very close to the sandalled feet of one of the three Acolyte Elders and he glares at you angrily, though he does not see through your disguise. You take your place on a bench alongside the others and use your Kai camouflage skills to avoid their attention. You notice that a bank of oars stands upright in the gunwales of the boat, and it strikes you as odd that no order has been given to man them.
When the last of the acolytes are safely aboard, you discover why.

With the returning acolytes aboard, an Elder gives the order that the grappling lines and planks—which hold the longboat secure to the Vakovarian ship—be cut and tossed into the lake. The moment this is done, the three Elders raise their glowing wands of power and touch them together to form a triangle.

There is a flash of greenish light and a swirling cone of vapour coils into the sky, pouring from the tip of this triangle. It creates a howling wind which fills the sails and catapults the longboat away from the quayside at tremendous speed. It takes just a few minutes for the ruins of Vorn to disappear over the horizon.

Aboard the longboat the victorious acolytes busy themselves as the cold waters of Lake Vorndarol speed by beneath the keel. Some are attending to those who were wounded in the battle; others are chanting a sombre dirge or sitting quietly with their heads bowed, lost in unholy prayer; the remainder clean their weapons or stare vacantly at the distant mountains.

You keep your head bowed and pretend to be praying. The deception seems to be working until a hand suddenly grips your shoulder and you hear a gruff voice bark a command in a language you do not readily understand.

(Yes, I have Grand Pathsmanship)

You turn your head slightly and see a pair of sandalled feet standing on the deck by your side. They belong to the Elder whom you almost collided with when you jumped aboard the longboat. He repeats his command and this time, aided by your Kai Mastery, you understand what he says. He is commanding you to get up and go forward to the bow and help with the carrying of some wounded acolytes to the stern.

You nod to signify you acknowledge his order yet you do not raise your head—to do so would risk him seeing your face. Unfortunately, as you rise from the bench, your robe gets snagged on a splinter and is pulled up to reveal your boots and scabbard. The Elder becomes suspicious and he demands to know how you came to be in possession of these items.

(I do have the Runic Disc, the black metal coin I took)

You show the Runic Disc and immediately the Elder’s temper cools. He recognizes it to be the mark of the Guild of Rhem, the most feared brotherhood of assassins in all of northern Magnamund. He is aware that some guild assassins have been employed as agents to carry out missions for the acolytes, and he assumes at once that you are such an agent.

He backs away a few paces, bows his head, and leaves to attend to other matters at the bow of the boat. Those seated around you have now become uncomfortably curious. To avoid their attentions, you get up and move to the stern where a score of acolytes are kneeling in prayer.
You kneel between two praying acolytes and begin to mumble along with their sonorous prayer-dirge. A shiver runs along your spine and you begin to feel queasy; a strong aura of evil surrounds the group and your psychic senses are struggling to shield your mind from its insidious influence.

You notice that some of the acolytes are shaking uncontrollably, and sweat drips from their faces despite the icy wind which howls across the deck. You recognize that they are suffering the after-effects of using Adgana, a potent and highly addictive potion which increases skill and ferocity in combat. You hazard a guess that many of the acolytes were made to take this narcotic before the assault on the quay, to stir them into battle-frenzy.

You have been kneeling among the praying acolytes for barely a minute when suddenly the war-horn blares a long, discordant tone. All eyes turn to the east where the shoreline can now be seen on the horizon. The longboat is speeding towards the wooden jetty where a large group of red-robed figures are awaiting its return. The prayer-dirge ceases and everyone gets to their feet in readiness to disembark as soon as the boat docks at the jetty.

The longboat glides to a halt beside the jetty and attendant acolytes make it secure with ropes and hawsers. An Elder oversees the disembarkation, allowing the wounded off first, followed by the rest in descending order of rank and superiority. You join in the queue with the lowly initiates and follow the line as it files off the jetty and up a torchlit hill track to a hall of stone. It is a grand building which shows signs of having only recently been constructed.

The interior of the hall is a dark and forbidding place, decorated with the ritualistic trappings of the Acolytes of Vashna. Spluttering candles dimly illuminate a central altar and a sickly-smelling incense saturates the air. The acolytes encircle the altar several ranks deep and listen intently as two of their Elders conduct a liturgy in praise of Darklord Vashna, and the victory he has seen fit to grant them. They conclude their sinister ceremony by crying out the words, ‘We celebrate this eve of the “Great Welcoming”. May Lord Vashna, our master, vanquish his enemies and rule unchallenged ever more!’

The acolytes respond spontaneously by repeatedly chanting their master’s name. ‘Vashna! Vashna! Vashna!’ they cry, as they slowly shuffle out of the hall in single file. At the door, each acolyte is handed a burning torch and made to parade past the Elders who give them their unholy blessing. You take care to keep your face concealed within the raised hood of your robe as your turn comes to pass before them.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Kai-alchemy, Kai-screen, or Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked (these bonuses are cumulative).
Also, if you possess a Runic Disc, add 1; if you possess the Sommerswerd, deduct 3; and for every rank you have attained above that of Kai Grand Guardian, add 1.

(Okay, that means my total for this roll is 1+3+2-3 - +3. But I’m not sure about the Sommerswerd. In book 12, you get an item called the Korlinium Scabbard. It’s also on the may-carry-over list from the first 12 books. So why isn’t here? It was created and given to me to hide the Sommerswerd’s good aura while sheathed, so it cannot be detected. That’s how I was able to traipse all over the Darklands with it in tow. And I have it here. So why is the Sommersword acting against me as a beacon of “Here I Am!”? Well, I toss a 6 and it doesn’t matter. I’m through)

You pass before the Elders without incident and follow the procession as it winds its way through the settlement. As it nears the perimeter, you pass beside some smaller huts where a few of the doors are open. Most of the huts are empty, but you notice one where a table near the door is stacked with captured weapons.

(Yes, I slip from the procession to enter the weapons hut! Duh! I checked it out, and it had nothing good.)
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