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Old 02-10-2012, 12:47 PM   #17
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
January 21, 2023

Interview with James Essex I

Hello and welcome to an interview with a local son who has recently been in the news. He is James Essex, CEO of Centurion Studios. James has just started his own studio in, and has begun a project that will be dear to our hearts.

Yesterday, he announced work on a new project, entitled "The Battle of Blair Mountain." As many of you know, AH-Net brings you the most up to date information on our favorite state, West Virginia.

The Battle of Blair Mountain was the seminal event in the Mine Wars and one of the largest civil uprisings in American history. In 1921, thousands of miners armed themselves and marched to Logan County demanding the resignation of Sherriff Don Chapin, a corrupt official bribed by coal mines.

We were able to grab a virtual interview with James, and he is here to take our questions. James, we love debuting you and your company here at AHNet!

James: Thanks, I love spending time with fellow West Virginians.

AHNet: Why were you so interested in the Mine Wars and the Battle of Blair Mountain in particular?

James: This is the key pivotal event in labor history in America and one of the key moments in understanding the nature of government, private industry, fair practices and how far people will go to protect corruption and how far others will go to bring it down.

AHNet: The elements of the Battle seem to lend themselves to the silver screen. You have clear good guys, clear bad guys, sweeping issues, and more. Why do you think it was never made until now?

James: Hollywood was run by big companies and the Battle cannot leave you with a warm feeling for big companies when you leave. Obviously, you can't pretend that the coal companies are analogies for today's studios, but I think executives feared that the comparison might be made anyway.

AHNet: Why do this story, then, if that is a concern.

James: Well, just because it is a concern for some companies does not mean it is a concern for me. I do not fear my audience and I do not seek to give them the lowest common denominator entertainment.

AHNet: Does this connect with you wanting to bring real West Virginia to the screen.

James: Absolutely. Understanding the spirit of the West Virginia people is important for me to express. Maybe even vital for me to do so.

AHNet: Well then, thank you for your time!

James: Hey, I'm always happy to be here, you know that!
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