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Old 06-18-2014, 12:30 AM   #27
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Two respects were mentioned: here is the second.

Intelligence Report, 280 B.C., Autumn
Author: Decius
Respondent: Consul Laevinus Coffeium

Potentially of significance to your office are the following observations of the situation in southeast Italy(diagram attached below for your review).

Possibly most significant is that the remains of the army led by Pyrrhos are at this point nowhere to be found. The most likely scenario seems to be that they have moved west, possibly in the direction of Rhegion, but it should be emphasized that at the moment all I can say for certain is that I don't know where they have gone.

The largest Aiakid holding in Italy is Tarentum(approx. 45000 pop., nearly as many as Roma), where the bulk of their forces that I can account for at present are located. In it's vicinity I estimate there to be approximately eight to ten thousand men under arms, under the command of Mikon, a man of limited ability.

Moving west, Herakleia has only a modest garrison, but a young general named Aegon has had the affrontery to station himself at the border of Roman territory. He has additionally built a watchtower which to my eyes appears to be just inside our borders. Aside from those horsemen loyal to him personally, no other forces appear to be in the immediate vicinity.

Consul Laevinus Coffeium, Decius awaits your instructions. Should he remain in his position, or do you desire more information from him on the situation further southeast(the heel) or west(towards Rhegion and the toe) perhaps?

Secondly, what response if any do you wish your army to make in regards to Aegon? You are advised that Tiberius Coruncanius is just north of Capua at this time and is not expected to reach the southern front until late spring or early summer of next year. As such, this choice is yours and yours alone.

Laevinus Coffeium, you are on the clock -- Decius and your legion await your orders.
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