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Old 06-24-2014, 01:45 AM   #43
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Coruncanius met the first resistance. Philiskos met him on the road to Thourioi with a modest but not altogether insignificant army. He gave ground at first, then tried to make a stand at a village halfway to the consul's destination. In the drawing below, Oscan javelinmen and Velites lead the army on approach, while the enemy banners can be seen in the foreground and Thourioi is somewhere in the foothills just below the horizon.

Just beyond the village to the west, the enemy javelinmen were engaged first and soon found themselves decimated by Roman projectiles.

Their phalanx countrymen fared a little better ...

But not much. Coruncanius chased away Philiskos and the rest of the army from the rear, and soon the enemy right flank caved and headed for ... anywhere else but here.

The local Tarentine spearmen, known to most as the 'Whiteshields', were by far the bravest of the enemy. In this case, their reward was slaughter as they were surrounded and cut to pieces by our finest men.

Philiskos escaped with a little over a thousand men and retreated to Thourioi, nearly 90% of his initial army destroyed. Coruncanius suffered not insignificant losses of 2900, but his campaign continues and by winter siege preparations were under way outside Thourioi.
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