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Old 11-22-2020, 06:14 PM   #428
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Concord, MA/UMass
I guess I'm always weirdly optimistic, but I hope Trump keeps fighting this. We might never get that 38% back, but the real fight is for enough of that 10% that (a) Trump can't win in 2024, & that the GOP power guard realizes just how dangerous it is to align behind an uncontrollable loose cannon. The more that Trump attacks people like Brian Kemp the better, and the more that his "team" can't stop at saying "election machines were hacked, number dump, technical talk" & feels compelled to add "fronted by a 3rd world dictator who died a decade ago" let's go!

I still very much agree Biden has played this close to perfectly, (and unlike some I never had doubt actual judges & the US Military would be professional), but I do hope as this starts going the liberal part of the media starts incessantly asking every elected Republican to go on the record if this election was stolen or not (and if it's in doubt why they're taking the oath of office) because the more you get on the record giving less than unconditional support for Trump, the more people he'll personally target.

That goes tenfold for people covering the Georgia races... There absolutely are people who will boycott the runoff if they think the GoP duo aren't being loyal enough to Trump, it can't be the Democratic party pointing it out, just get those two on the record agreeing to be as far "left-wing" as Brian Kemp & the GA SecState. Shucks, ask them if they will boycott the primary if they don't also hold a re-vote on Trump vs Biden, some people will get mad when they say no!
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