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Old 07-14-2020, 01:24 PM   #198
College Prospect
Join Date: Dec 2002
Originally Posted by cuervo72 View Post
Yeah, WaPo so the title isn't going to show. a bloody Civil War battle

Anyone want to hear an interesting Civil War story? No, of course not. Anyway, this battle is the Battle of Olustee and it featured the 54th Mass., which is the regiment featured in 'Glory'.

This battle starts when the main Union force advanced from Jacksonville towards Tallahassee. The general of the Union army allowed himself to be drawn into a battle in horrible, swampy terrain. He's not able to attack in force and is getting his ass kicked. This is where he calls in the 54th.

The 54th was something like 3 miles to the rear, being held as reserve. They get called in and double quick it to the battle. By the time they get there, the main force is in bad shape. Some are routing and others are faltering.

The 54th steps in and repulses several Confederate advances. They are then able to fight them back enough where the Union army is able to retreat in some decent order back towards Jacksonville. The Confederates do take this opportunity to kill every wounded black man left on the field. They're bastards, that's what they do.

On the march back, the 54th is pretty much exhausted following the run to battle and the fight. This is when they encounter a broken down train that is carrying wounded men back from the battle. The 54th use some ropes and drag that train like 15 miles back. They did get some assistance from a team of mules about half way back.

This seems like it would have been a cool story for 'Glory' but I'm guessing prevented it from showing up.
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