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Old 06-27-2023, 08:22 PM   #3
Head Coach
Join Date: Sep 2004
AOC's theme is going to be Free Trade, Leadership, and Russian Interference. At least two out of three should prove beneficial in both Iowa and New Hampshire. With 56 people running, if we can't get out the gate in those states, we're finished before we begin.

Biden is hit with a major scandal a week in, but that's nothing compared to the one that hits Buttigieg, which is in the news for several days and will probably make him toast. AOC rises up to 4% in national polling, thanks largely to her PAC running a national ad against Biden on abortion in the midst of his scandal.

Iowa takes a while to get momentum going, and we're not seeing an improvement in polling - in fact, we decline, but we start catching fire in New Hampshire. Then again, Iowa is so fractured, Clinton's 9% is enough to have her winning the state. We're not the only ones trying to build early.

First Democratic debate sees the left-for-dead Buttigieg inspire with an absolutely dominating performance. AOC finished 2nd, Warren 3rd. Biden and Schultz bombed.

More scandals for Biden. Yang, McAulliffe, and Schlakman also get hard. For some reason, we can't seem to break through in Iowa, and the momentum we were building in New Hampshire seems to have disappeared - we go from 5.7% all the way to last.

AOC absolutely crushes everyone in the second debate.

By the beginning of August, we've picked up a slew of endorsements to finally start catching up in that game. Mostly in New York, New England, and the West Coast. A mix of governors, Congresspeople, and the intelligentsia.

But we're dead last in Iowa and New Hampshire, as people keep attacking us. We're still holding on for 1.5% nationally, keeping afloat by our endorsements.

Come September, we're sitting at 5.2% in Iowa, 1.1% in New Hampshire, less than 0% nationally. But the polls have been so ping-pongy it's hard to know what to trust. 7.5% for Buttigieg now leads Iowa by the way, so perhaps not so dead as first thought.

Nationally, Biden leads the Democratic field... with 6.3%. Sanders at 5.8%, Clinton at 5.5%, Harris at 5%. Republicans still feature Trump with a sizable lead at 12.7% ahead of Pence at 8.8%, Haley at 7.7%, and the fast-rising Romney at 7.4%. Still solidly Trump's map, but there's definitely some weakening states.

We jump up to 2nd nationally in late September with 5.7% but slide to 4.6% in early October, still good for 5th, which is good because there's a debate coming up and we missed the third one. Somehow we're randomly 2nd in Florida, too.

More stuff happens. We kick ass in debates that feature all the candidates polling 1% nationally (and we're just at 1%), but we're not making grounds in any states.

The Libertarian and Green Parties have been deadlocked in Iowa and New Hampshire polling. Then with no one making the 25% threshold in South Carolina, Jo Jorgensen beats out Vermin Supreme 17.5% to 17% to take all the Palmetto State's delegates. Same thing happens with the Greens, where Howard Hawkins' 20.4% beats literally everyone else's 19.9% to steal the delegates.

Even saltier is when Jill Stein wins all the Florida delegates by 0.1%!

We get to the proper Iowa... and the game breaks.
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