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Old 11-08-2019, 09:53 AM   #930
College Starter
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Kalamazoo, MI
Originally Posted by Arles View Post
The problem with Hillary is that she was in the public eye so long - she ended up generating so many negatives on both the left and the right. The right associated her with Bill and their generated scandals, while the left saw her veer more to the middle over her time in congress. I don't know that her situation could be replicated by another candidate.

The one thing I wonder (and it is a shame this even has to be mentioned), but were a lot of the on the fence Trump voters in 16 (esp in the south) a little hesitant to vote for a woman? You would hope this isn't the case, but I think if you are breaking a stereotype you need to have a bunch of charisma (a la Obama). I haven't seen Warren enough to know if she has that, but Hillary certainly didn't.

Hillary was targeted by the Right wing media for 25 years. After that long, stuff began to stick with time even if you can prove they were lies. They've been trying to fire the same up with Biden but it's only been a few months to a year and people generally like Joe. All they managed with Obama was that one preacher who I can't think of and that got nowhere either.
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