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Old 03-21-2007, 10:08 AM   #1
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Werewolf XLIV: The Fightin’ Fundies vs. Them Gays - GAME OVER

Hello and welcome to the next large WW game (it’s actually the 34th). Sit down, and keep reading, we need to talk.

Abe’s Disclaimer: The following rules and game are meant to be a satirical look of an extreme element of my own culture. I grew up in Southern West Virginia in small unincorporated villa nestled along the Coal River as it winds its way through the heart of Appalachia. I grew up the son of a Baptist Minister on the border between evangelical and fundamental. I myself am an ordained minister by an evangelical organization.

I remember going to West Virginia University and dating as lady who went to a church where the minister preached a sermon entitled, “Why God Hates the New International Version.” Despite my conservative upbringing, I had never been truly exposed to such unreasonable fervor. That is what I’m poking fun at in this werewolf. I am not attacking Christians, far from it. I am not attacking conservatives, far from it. I would consider myself both conservative and Christian, but there are people so far to the right that they can barely be seen from where I stand. I am sure that there are people on the left just as extreme, but I grew up in the Southern Coal Fields, so I don’t know that community, I know this one.

I believe that this dynasty has the potential to be truly great, because the satirical element has been amped up to a high degree. However, in order to play this dynasty, you need to not be easily offended. Although the humor in this dynasty is largely satirical, it is still largely respectful. No people are called names, nobody is being attacked, and nothing vitriolic is being used. Instead, the satire is mature, and often quite funny.

If you cannot keep from turning this werewolf game into a political thread where you espouse your own views and attack others, then I ask that you not play. If you are easily offended by a humorous and satirical look at your religion, then I ask that you not play. If you are not easily amused and are always serious, then I ask that you not play.

The game elements in this game are not significant enough to warrant attention. This game will be fun because of the theme and nature of the game itself, not because of the cleverness of its mechanics.

Everybody else, come on in and have a seat, because the show is about to start.

(Please note that the views expressed in pms, rules, history, plot, and so forth do not necessarily express the views of me, other WWers, SkyDog, FOFC, Gamespy, etc, etc)
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-01-2007 at 10:24 PM.
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