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Old 01-31-2013, 02:11 AM   #129
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
July 20, 8:48 PM
Somewhere in South Africa

Defiant Fear could not be more apt.

We land in an abandoned dirt road and find cover to the left in the trees, only to hear the enemy coming from the right. Ches O'Peake is the first to spot it ... a cyberdisc! I'd rather she hadn't. We form up defensively as best we can, McCloud loosing a smoke grenade.

A less benign grenade is tossed out by the disc, doing considerable damage. O'Peake panics. We open fire -- Palmer hits it once, and though he's exposed, Coffee Warlord goes for maximum damage -- now it's half gone! McCloud is just in range, but misses, and the remaining pair of Kodos and Snow can only dash into range.

The disc finishes off O'Peake, Palmer and Snow panic and fire -- Snow is on target at least. Kodos closes, and misses anyway. McCloud is far off target, while Warlord finds cover.

It blasts Kodos, nearly dead now, who panics and fires back -- missing, naturally. Warlord decides that the panic-and-horribly-miss thing sounds fun, and does it as well. Snow finishes off the disk, and we're still alive -- but not yet clear, as a drone stops by to say hello. We manage to miss it four times, but Palmer finally drops it. Kodos is by far in the worst shape, and McCloud uses his medikit.

Kodos is now at half health, Warlord about the same, Ches O'Peake dead, while the other three are healthy. The cyberdisc cost us one operative, halves of two others, and our medikit.

We advance along the right of the road, looking for what's next while not really wanting to know. Palmer and Snow are in front as we hear movement ahead and to the right -- sounds like the direction of the ship.

We move carefully on weapons hold -- we don't want to kill the Outsider if it's avoidable. Palmer spots it ... Snow will lead in, Kodos behind as they are carrying the arc throwers. Palmer takes a pistol shot, missing but taking out it's cover. Bit of good luck, there. Kodos hits it with a conventional pistol, and now we just hope it doesn't kill anyone before we can subdue it.

It moves up, fires at Kodos, and he's gone! So much for that. Two panic and fire back -- one misses, but McCloud doesn't. The Outsider is gone. Well, we did try.

There's more out there, just don't know where yet. We wait, listen, and reload, not moving a muscle at first. Something around the left edge of the ship ... we decide to move through the vessel, which seems to have better approach cover.

McCloud finds them, a pair of mutons, one a berserker. Yippee. We retreat, and the normal charges, earning a missed shot by Palmer and a wound by Coffee. Warlord fires again, and takes it down! Not bad for an archaic weapon. The berserker soon charges as well ...

Palmer and McCloud both get hits in on it, then both panic ... and both hit it again! Palmer with the insanely fortunate kill there.

And we're clear! We like, actually won a mission and stuff! 5 dead aliens, a pair of dead operatives in DEFIANT FEAR. You never want to lose anyone, but a pair of rookies isn't too bad.


Rk. Deacon Palmer IV -- 3 kills, promoted to Heavy Squaddie
Rk. Ches O'Peake II -- 1 kill in 2 missions, KIA.
Sq. Coffee Warlord IV -- 5 kills in 2 missions, wounded(4 days)
Rk. Ren Snow III -- 0 kills, promoted anyway to Support Squaddie
Cpl. Fox McCloud III -- 7 kills in 3 missions
Rk. Kodos IV -- 0 kills in 1 mission, KIA.


** Muton Corpse
** Berserker Corpse
** Cyberdisc Wreck
** Drone Wreck
** 31 Elerium
** 57 Alien Alloys
** 12 Weapon Fragments
** UFO Power Source
** 2 UFO Flight Computers(both damaged)
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