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Old 12-30-2020, 08:06 PM   #82
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
The Jerkwad CT sent out his Bylaw proposal to the subcommittee with an email that he'd like to have it approved (ostensibly via an email reply). I replied no to the whole of them and said it needed to be discussed and debated and that there were bullet point items that were:

"There are things in them that are nebulous, arbitrary, subjective, unnecessarily punitive and unfair to parents that need to be fleshed out in my opinion"

I also emailed the chairperson and told him a brief history on why I feel that there is a vendetta and it is exposed via the added bullet points CT tried to slip into the upcoming bylaw proposal:

no post-season reviews of coaches by their parents
Only a subjective interview by a subcommittee that he would control and sway via his power and barter
an explicit discouragement that any All-Star coach be strongly discouraged from coaching any team elsewhere at any age (see above why this is a direct attack on my son's coach)
Any ejections come to his subcommittee for discipline (again a power play)

The chair wrote back that nothing will be passed now and this will be discussed in the spring for a vote for Fall.

CT is such a dick. If I wasn't there fighting back against his Machiavelli BS I'm not sure what things would look like.

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Last edited by Flasch186 : 12-30-2020 at 08:09 PM.
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