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Old 03-08-2015, 10:59 AM   #457
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
More stores pass by as as a brothel. It’s next to a lantern and candle and lamp store. There is an open market Alzar is about to hit, and he does so. Here there are many vendors, and Alzar keeps a sharp hand on his items to make sure none go missing. Quickly he can tell that nothing here really appeals. There are items like spices grown locally and incense. Good of various sorts, particularly meat. Meat is easier to find in the desert. Even some rocks like granite and marble are for sale. Household goods, mostly smaller ones, are all aligned.

Alzar takes a different street, passing by nearby taverns that are designed to appeal to folks at the market. He sees a sign that appeals to him, and heads into Ibrahim’s Mint Tea Parlor.

It apparently caters to a lot of off duty higher level officers in the army, higher than the normal brigands that are used. Alzar’s wizard clothing but clear soldier ways (he used to be a myrmidon mercenary – a professional’s professional) gets him immediate respect – they can tell one battle-forged veteran to another. There are 9 present righ now, and about 4 or 5 other patrons.

Ibraham ul’Tabarzin arrives, and he a huge, muscular man. He’s a it older, and clearly a highly trained fighter, and he wears a two handed scimitar, carved and looking magical on his back openly. A green turban and sarousal with a red silk shirt, open faced, finish the outfit.

He smiles warmly and greets Alzar, and they introduce themselves. He brings Alzar over and seats him down on the floor, where he has seven different types of mint tea. Alzar decides on the most popular, and really enjoys it. Alzar is introduced to a few locals that use the parlor a lot, and one actually recognizes him as the guy who helped to fight against that nasty mirror army that popped in the sultan’s palace. He buys Alzar another tea, the one he is drinking, and again, Alzar enjoys it. This guy, Tarik El-Fissa, is a non-commissioned officer in the local military. Alzar gets some good low level information about everything and leaves the Tea Parlor an hour later. Apparently there are a few professionals in the army, and there is a lot of tension between them and the more brigand-y others.
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