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Old 04-29-2009, 09:25 AM   #515
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME

Okay, having read Pass's post that Render quoted, the difference is that I was not assuming we have any specialists who have not revealed. I made that clear in my original statement. Obivously Pass reached different numbers because he made some educated guesses as to what specialists are left.

What's suspicious to me is people pushing a mission when it will be very, very difficult to get this camp won over today. We don't have 100% information at this point, and we know we have Sympathizers who would gladly fake their work. Pass's numbers show that we, at best, need 15 people to sincerely do their work (and not have lied about their skills). That's cutting it close.

Items would be great and I hope we manage to send a few after them, but it's rather early in teh day to be signing up to go get them.
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