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Old 02-20-2022, 08:53 AM   #31990
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Originally Posted by Brian Swartz View Post
Serious question: why does it matter who Q was/is? The problem is the number of people buying into it. The way to combat this kind of thing is to do a better job of inoculating society against nonsense, not to pretend that we're ever going to be able, in the internet age for goodness sake, to stamp out opportunistic people who spout conspiracist hogwash. Or ignore the great damage that will and to a degree already is being caused by trying.

By showing who it is and how 'small' they are you hopefully take a brick out of the wall. They have portrayed Q as being an 'insider' in the top echelon of gov't and by showing with evidence that that couldn't be farther from the truth perhaps it gets added to the evidence and will eventually have a handful of people from killing others, themselves, destroying their lives or others etc along the way to finding out just how far the rabbit hole goes.

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