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Old 05-01-2020, 07:10 PM   #29
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Chapter 3 – Krimba-Hai

As they head to enter, each person is inspected by a guard and under the aegis of a cleric casting true sight spells to make sure everyone coming in as as they seem. They are polymorphed and changed, so they won’t show up. One guard challenges Juri. “Did you get these HUMAN things from corpses? You aren’t strong enough to take them in battle!” Juri challenge shim to a battle, but he just laughs and waves her through. Intaria is not bothered. They pass through.

The utter and mass chaos is jaw dropping as bodies go everywhere. The sisters are separated in the great flow for a moment. It’s as if the roads here are streams and not streets. There is a massive military build up. This is a city preparing for war, unlike stories of Alzar’s trip before a generation ago. The city is also massively bustling. There are at least 20 orcs into the spaces where five men would live comfortably. There have to be at east 4000 strong people here. At least 3000 of those appear to be soldiers ready to fight for the cause from various races, although two out of every three people they pass are orcs, and everyone is speaking orc as the common tongue.

This place doesn’t appear to have any inns or taverns, just barracks for soldiers and hostels for others. They begin exploring. Luckily, they have about 8 hours before night ends and morning breaks for them to use to figure things outs. They can hear a priest giving a speech trying to recruit for a special assignment. The sisters are looking for Lord General Herpein to rescue and the item. They won’t be in the same place. The item is the easiest to hide, so they do that first. They can put it into Intaria’s OtherSpace.

They slip around and a priest comes over and tries to recruit them for the special mission seeing Juri as sergeant with a decent rank and Intaria. Intaria casts Friends and then Tongues on the side while Juri speaks with her. With the massive charisma boost the priest admits to a fellow priest that the mission is an assault on the Barony. They have a person on the inside who helped them secure the item needed. Now their prayers are trying to secure the item. Intaria offers to help prayer over the item, but is declined. They get directions for the person helping, and slide over to the place mentioned.

After they spend a few minutes moving down the room, the Tongues spell ends. (It has a limited duration). Juri speaks orcish to someone in front of them who isn’t moving fast enough and then punches them to get them away. However, a group of nearby orcs who witness this are surprised not to see the orc priest speak to shame them. They move over to talk to the sisters.

They confront them, and Juri tells them to move away, but they ask Intaria to speak to them. Juri tells them that she won’t sully herself to speak to them, but they move to attack.

They are fighting a group of 12 orcs.

Round 1 – Juri and Intaria win init. Juri slay two orcs, and then Intaria fails to blind one with Light and passes the turn. They attack and hit Juri for 4 damage and Intaria for 3.

Juri – 47/51
Intaria – 16.19

Round 2 - They lose init. Intaria is hit for 3 damage. She casts vampiric touch and slays an orc and heals. Juri kills another orc and misses the third.


Round 3 – They lose init. They are messed. Two more die and a light spell continually blinds an orc

Round 4 – They win init and slay the remaining orcs and them the blinded one.

They search the bodied and find a total of 145 gold pieces they take,

Luckily, orcs fighting orcs isn’t really uncommon and they get through without any additional issues
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