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Old 08-01-2019, 11:10 AM   #397
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: The Mountains
Originally Posted by ISiddiqui View Post
Speaking of student loan debt, I came out of law school with over $800 a month in student loan payments (only 15 more years to go...). I recently was curious and went to look at what tuition is at Emory Law School (where I went) and it is DOUBLE what it was when I was there. How in the world are people supposed to pay that?

I was around $100k combined law and undergrad, but working in public service helped a lot. I got around $15k forgiven from John R. Justice program, and another $15k or so from public service grants from my law school. And fortunately this was around 2006 when student loan interests were very low, I'm locked in around 3% with none of it private loans. I still have around $35k to go, with the next payment due in 2026 or something, so I just throw money at it whenever I can.

There's also the 10-year public interest forgiveness program, where you pay a % of your income and the rest is forgiven after 10 years. But you have to make sure you're doing it right, and that you've consolidated with a qualifying loan type, or else you find out 8 years in that you have to start over again. Edit: By the time that was available it didn't really make sense for me, with the interests rates as low as they were on my loans, and with my salary getting better over the years, I'd rather just throw varying amounts at it then have a fixed 10-year payment schedule.

Last edited by molson : 08-01-2019 at 11:16 AM.
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