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Old 04-19-2020, 02:22 PM   #172
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Bhanarian horse scouts have been sighted,’ he says, gravely. ‘A trader from Rakholi reported seeing a troop of enemy riders on the plain this afternoon, a few miles southeast of the Javai Forest. They were probably part of the Autarch’s vanguard, out foraging for food, but the fact that they’ve already come this far north bodes ill for us. We’ll leave here soon after daybreak tomorrow—and hopefully we’ll stay ahead of the enemy until we reach the River Tkukoma.’

You acknowledge the captain’s report and bid him goodnight but, as he is leaving, he suddenly remembers a second message he must convey.

‘Princess Mitzu wishes to consult with you. She has heard much about the astrological skills of the New Order Kai, and she wishes for you to conduct a reading for her. Will you indulge her highness, my lord?’

(I do a reading for her)

‘I would be honoured,’ you reply.

‘Very well,’ says Chan, ‘if you are ready, I shall escort you to her quarters at once.’

Chan takes you into the chateau and leads you through its myriad corridors to a room on the first floor. A trooper whom you recognize opens the door and steps aside to allow you both entry. The chamber beyond is lavishly furnished, and the sweet smell of a rare burning incense hangs in the air. In a far corner you see the young Prince Kamada. He is asleep on a silken divan and is being watched over by his tutor Shavane, who is reading a book. His mother, the Princess, is seated at a table near a balcony window that overlooks the torchlit courtyard. You exchange polite greetings and then Chan excuses himself.

‘I shall be outside your door if you should need me, your majesty,’ he says, and promptly departs. As soon as he has gone, Princess Mitzu invites you to sit with her. She is anxious to know what fate has in store for her young son, and she asks if you will use your astrological skills to help her.

(I have the Sun Knight rank)

‘Of course, your majesty,’ you reply, sympathetically. Then you ask if she would kindly show you the palm of her right hand. She complies with your request and places her hand palm up on the marbled tabletop.

Using your skills of palmistry, you inspect the configuration of the creases of her delicate palm. Paying careful attention to those parts of her hand which refer to her offspring, you swallow hard when you see that the lines reveal a disturbing prediction for her young son

You determine that Prince Kamada is in danger. Your interpretation of the signs indicates that he will be betrayed by someone close to the Imperial Family. You are unable to determine who this traitor will be, but you inform the Princess and advise her that she should be on her guard at all times.

Your reading disturbs Mitzu and she is unable to hold back her tears. She apologizes for her display of emotion, something that is frowned upon in imperial Chai society, and politely she asks you to leave.

(I leave)

You comply with the Princess’s wishes and bid her goodnight. When you rejoin Chan in the corridor outside her room, you tell him about the prediction and he is gravely concerned.

‘I pray this will not come to pass,’ he says. ‘We must do all we can to keep Prince Kamada safe. Upon his young shoulders rests the future of Chai.’

Chan says little as he escorts you back to the stables, and you sense that he is lost in his thoughts. But upon arriving at your room he says: ‘I trust you’ll sleep well, my lord. Remember that we shall depart from here no later than one hour after daybreak. We’ll ride at the head of the column tomorrow, so rest well. We must be extra vigilant.’

You are awoken shortly before dawn by a shrill cock’s crow. You rise swiftly, gather up your equipment, and then hurry to the courtyard where you meet with Captain Chan outside the stable door. Some of his troopers are busy replenishing the caravan’s stores of food and fresh water, and others are preparing the horse teams for the long road ahead. Madame Omaki’s servants are also in attendance, bearing wooden platters stacked with food. You and Chan help yourselves to this delicious breakfast fare as you discuss the journey that lies ahead. The sky is clear and Chan is confident that you shall make good progress, just so long as you do not run foul of Bhanarian scouts. (There is a surplus of food, enough for 2 Meals. Remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly if you decide to take any.)

As planned, within an hour of daybreak, the caravan is on the road once more. You depart from Javai by way of its east gate, and begin the four-day journey to your next destination—the tented city of Rakholi

To the east of Javai, the trade road passes through many small settlements where Chai farmers toil contentedly in the heat of the midsummer sun. By noon, these tiny hamlets have all but given way to a vast sea of grassland which extends all the way to the banks of the River Tkukoma, over a hundred miles distant.

It is late in the afternoon when you catch sight of a flock of plains ravens circling above a small copse of trees, south of the highway. Captain Chan becomes suspicious of these ugly black scavengers, and he orders the column to slow to a halt. He has decided to investigate the copse, and he invites you to join him.

(I join him)

Chan details two other men to accompany you, and then he places Sergeant Yeng in charge of the caravan’s escort while you are away scouting the copse. The captain gives the order to move out, and all three of you follow as he turns his stallion about and canters through the tall grasses towards the distant pines. As you approach them, he informs you that it is very unusual for plains ravens to gather in such numbers. Your Kai Sixth Sense tingles, confirming that his suspicions are well founded.

As you draw closer, he signals to his men to split up and circle around the copse in opposing directions. They carry out his command as you and the captain bring your horses to a halt and dismount. From here you cover the final 100 yards to the copse on foot, your stealthy approach concealed by the tall grasses. You have penetrated 20 yards into the parched woods when suddenly you happen upon a shocking scene.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-19-2020 at 02:24 PM.
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