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Old 03-09-2018, 03:37 PM   #559
CU Tiger
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Backwoods, SC
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
They would be fighting for their own lives. When governments are overthrown, the leaders typically end up strung up from a bridge, not sent home to open a library.

What do you think the response would be if some armed people tried to take over the government today? I guarantee you they'd be met with lethal force at all cost.

I dont ever foresee an armed militia made up of US citizens storming the White House, The Pentagon or Fort Knox. I agree that is mostly fantasy novel talk.

My concern is more one of when a foreign enemy lands a significant strike on US soil and government panics. Im thinking more chaos theory than an armed coop.

I have no interest in armed offense, I have a high interest in armed defense.

Originally Posted by thesloppy View Post
and we even have a member currently accused of murder.

Wait, WHAT?

Originally Posted by thesloppy View Post
Any gun legislature of consequence is going to necessitate 'good' gun owners giving up their guns (or at least their right to buy more guns) and sacrificing their perceived safety for the benefit of someone else..the change would probably take a generation and the idea that criminals would initially keep their guns is probably true, and you would be voluntarily leaving yourself less protected, but to those of us who have already literally sacrificed lives of our family and friends for your second amendment rights have very little sympathy for your sense of security.

I understand I will never change your opinion, and you will never change mine. Its unfortunate. We are so diametrically opposed there isnt common ground. I find your position in this paragraph to be un-American and borderline treasonous. That's isnt radical hyperbole used for effect, that is my honest feelings.

Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
I'm also not in the "all guns must be banned" camp either. I'm fine with handgun ownership. I do think you need to have a clean record and I do think you should lose that gun if you commit a crime with it. I also think there should be severe punishment for carrying an illegal weapon (like if you're a violent felon in possession, you should be put away for a long time). Heck, that alone would knock half the gang crime in major cities.

As for the higher powered weaponry, I think it should be tightly regulated. You should need a reason for it. And loopholes like bump stocks should be banned for what they are.

I like the idea of a "restraining order" of sorts on gun ownership. If you're caught making threats or something, the city/state/federal government can petition the court to keep you from buying/owning a gun for a period of time. Looking at the history of many of these mass shooters, it seems this would have made it much more difficult to carry out.

I'm largely in agreement here.
Commit a gun crime lose right to own a gun. Im good with it. Commit a crime with a gun go to jail. Possess a gun when you arent allowed to, go to jail. Etc. 100%

I disagree only on the bolded. I think if you arent classified as not allowed to carry, I.E you havent committed a crime, arent under mental health etc.

Your reason should simply be, because I want it.

I dont believe in everything is illegal unless the government grants you access, I believe everything is legal unless you lose your rights.
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