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Old 06-16-2010, 03:51 PM   #169
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Now the trick here is to calm your hands down, your heart is rcing, and get to work on this puzzle. You can only use your touch, that makes it tricky. And you have to recall, if you can, the original mask.

Racer is struggling, doesn't look like he knows where to put those pieces. But still he's having no trouble witht he blindfold. He's got the pieces sorted by shape or something.

Maple Leafs has got his open. He's already got a few pieces assembled. It looks like he's going to give Racer a run. The pieces are fitting right together for him.

Darth is working on his, plugging away but I'm not sure he's going to make up the headstart Racer has, or beat Maple's puzzle work.

Hoops and Danny are in this race now, they're both working on their puzzles. Hoops is plugging away. Danny has got half of it together but he's having trouble. Looks like he's trying to find a piece, ti got away from him. Could be anywhere there.

Heybrad finally shows up. He's getting right to work, flying along to catch up. Chesapeake and Thomkal, not even started yet.
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