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Old 05-08-2009, 12:51 PM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
WW XCIV Group Therapy - Game Over!


You all are in a therapy group. Some of you (we'll call you “The Needies”) have become upset with having to share the therapist (me) with so many others. You have devised a plot to slowly eliminate other members from the group through various means. You don't feel you are ready to face the world without therapy and will stop at nothing to assure you stay in the group. Each day the group will vote for someone they feel has reached a point of enlightenment and no longer needs to be in therapy. This person will be removed from the group to face the world on their own.

Like all groups, each of you is unique and special in your own way and will have something to contribute to the group or some way of getting what you want. Every one of you will have a role. Some roles are listed, many others are not. If you are not a listed role, you may at no point reveal to the group your role. On death, the role and its details will be revealed.


Day Cycle – During the day cycle of 1AM eastern until 8 PM eastern players can vote.

A vote should appear as such Vote Danny

Votes not properly formatted may be missed.

Ties: In the event of two players having an equal amount of votes at the end of the day, an unknown mechanic will be applied to determine who is the lynch choice.

No Lynch vote is an option for players, but only works if everyone votes No Lynch. If there is someone with votes on them, the no lynch vote mechanic is removed.

Night Cycle – Lasts from 8 PM Eastern to 1 AM Eastern. During this time all those with a night action may submit it.


Group Members: Win by eliminating all of the needies from the group. There may or may not be some group members with special win conditions. There is the sympathizer who counts as a group member, but wins with the needies.

The Needies: Win by achieving a 1-1 ratio with the group members.

May or may not be players with different or additional win conditions.


Group Members (many roles not listed)

The Empathizer - You are really in tune with other's emotions. Each night you may pair up with one player for a heart to heart discussion. In this, you will find out if they are a needie or not.

The Teddy Bear - You are sweet and kind to all those around you. Your unwavering support allows you to pair up with one person each night and any attempt by the needies to get that person out of the group will fail. You also feel the need to share your support and can not pair up with the same person two nights in a row.

The Analyst - At one point in the game, you may provide your in depth analysis for why a specific player no longer needs therapy. This one time, the group will go with you and vote that player out of the group.

The Sympathizer - You secretly feel a lot of sympathy for the needies and their desire to remain in therapy and will win with them. Every night, you may scan to see if a player is a needy.

The Needies (potential for unlisted roles as well as a listed role to not appear in the game)

The Screamer - If voted that you no longer need therapy you may scream at the top of your lungs in the face of one player and they will become overly emotional and leave therapy with you

The Criticizer - You are a needy who has the ability to criticize one player every other night. The player who is criticized will have such low self esteem that they won't feel confident enough to vote the next day. That player can still post. Needies may criticize themselves or fellow needies.

The Wannabee Therapist - Your skills and knowledge of the therapeutic process are developed to the level where you are able to fool the empathizer into thinking you are just one of the group.

The Desperate for Attention - You want everyone's attention at all times, however you need to be careful not to draw suspicion as a needy. Each night you may pull aside one player and see how they respond to your attempts for attention. If you talk to the empathizer or sympathizer you will know it. However there is also one player out there who if you talk to will learn your identity, but will not be able to outright reveal it to the group.


Game write ups may have added flavor to them, but these are in no way hints or revealing of game or player information.

There is to be no quoting of private messages.

As stated, unlisted roles are not to be revealed.

Last edited by Danny : 05-13-2009 at 01:03 PM.
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