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Old 04-02-2015, 08:09 PM   #714
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Yesterday the nations of the world were determined, if only slightly, that Grover was allied with The Shadow. Somehow though he seemed to avoid judgment. That does not sit well with most, who finally find unity in declaring Grover suspect of working for the Dark One. For this crime he is hunted down by a group of people of all nations and forced into captivity.

Or so it should have been, but it was not that simple. With Grover surrounded, the man calling out fervent claims of his innocence, suddenly the ground shook. “Stand back!” he told his would be captors desperately. “You don’t know what you’re doing.” Waving his hands as if to ward the crowd off, the ground erupted everywhere he pointed, knocking the soldiers flat. “I don’t want to hurt anyone,” he called. “You must understand, I am the one foretold, I am the Dragon Reborn. You must trust me.”

Some hesitate as he speaks, his followers stepping out to form ranks behind him. But even as his words still echo a whirlwind of air begins in front of him and tears into the crowd which was just threatening him. “He has gone mad, he’s a channeler,” someone calls out in fear. “We need a Red sister!” another one cries. But there is no Red sister here, the closest one having been found dead just last night. Without the option of a trained Aes Sedai to shield him and protect the crowd, panic began to spread. Weapons were drawn, stones hurled, arrows loosed. “But what if he is the Dragon?” someone called out, but the danger was too great, the crowd fell on Grover until he was subdued, overpowered, and killed. “What choice did we have?” the leader of the crowd asked a silent, stunned crowd. “What choice?”

Grover was a resident of Illian and a Hunter of the Horn. He was a male channeler who may have been the Dragon Reborn.
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