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Old 11-10-2016, 09:19 PM   #67
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Guy I used to work with is becoming fairly important in democratic politics in Michigan. Was involved in a demonstration and posted a live video(in Grand Rapids). I get people being upset, I'm not thrilled myself, and I was fine with it till they started chanting 'not my President' over and over again. Three weeks into January, he's going to be. Really. That's how it works. Each voter/bloc doesn't get pick their own president.

Then another former co-worker, who has gone on about 'Killary' etc. all campaign long, puts up a message of unity, let's all rally around Trump no matter what we believe, etc. Just astounded me. Had no substantive response to it being pointed out that he sure wasn't willing to do that with the shoe on the other foot.

I hope we get past this stuff eventually, but I don't think we are off to a good start.
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