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Old 11-21-2020, 10:06 AM   #426
Pro Starter
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: ...down the gravity well
I'm just trying to understand what the solution is. Biden's narrative cannot be we'll work together and expect success.

Trumpists want blood, they will never even listen to a Democrat dialogue. They want suppression and destruction to any that even challenge the fabric of white European centrism, Christianity (predominantly evangelical), Heterosexuality, the Earth is to be developed not conserved (or Climate Change is a myth), Education is for elites but intelligence is to be mocked...up is down, etc...

We have an administration that is actively undermining our government, our health, our institutions, and the Trumpists are happy to watch it burn.

It just seems to be that white poor are happy to watch everything burn because they are fucked in life, see others (read minorities) benefit and have decided that if they can't have it, no one can.

It isn't even about working hard anymore, it's about dying on a hill nowhere near the battle out of spite.
"General Woundwort's body was never found. It could be that he still lives his fierce life somewhere else, but from that day on, mother rabbits would tell their kittens that if they did not do as they were told, the General would get them. Such was Woundwort's monument, and perhaps it would not have displeased him." Watership Down, Richard Adams
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