Thread: Board Games
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Old 01-01-2009, 07:25 PM   #63
College Prospect
Join Date: Apr 2003
My dad got Wits & Wagers for Christmas last year and it has quickly become a family game staple. My brother in law hates playing games and usually refuses, but I have never seen him turn down this game. It is very simple to learn and can be played very fast. It is possible to complete a game in under 30 minutes.

The game consists of questions where all of the answers are numbers. The questions are things that most people do not know and you have to do a bit of estimating to come up with a good answer. The closest answer without going over becomes the winning answer. (More on that in a second...) Here are some sample questions:

How long is the mississippi river in miles?
In what year was penicillin discovered?
What percent of the world's population resides in north america?

Once everyone has answered the question (The more people in this game the merrier, up to 7) the answers are arranged in order from smallest to largest on the board. Players then must select up to two answers to bet chips on for scoring prior to the answer being revealed. An additional element comes in to play here as some answers offer more value then others. If your answer is 20 and mine is 21 and the next highest is 50 then the answer of 21 gives you a greater chance of success. Also, the answers at the extreme high and low end of the groups answers provide a better payout on the bet.

A game consists of only 7 questions and goes quite quick especially with experienced players.

Go buy it.
"All I know is that smart women are hot. Susan Polgar beat me in 24 moves in a simultaneous exhbition. I slept with the scoresheet under my pillow."
Off some dude's web site.
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