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Old 10-12-2010, 09:06 PM   #259
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Round 3

The clock says 0:10 in the 3 round
CrimsonFox and Devine Wind circles around the center of the cage.

Vlad Loff goes with a looping right hand while Jorge Imada jumps back and jabs
CrimsonFox seems staggered and Jorge Imada runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.

The clock says 0:35 in the 3 round
Devine Wind launches a flurry of punches
but only manages to land glancing blows.

CrimsonFox wants to take the fight to his field and tries to clinch.
Devine Wind wants nothing of that and pushes CrimsonFox.

Vlad Loff attempts a sweep single...
Jorge Imada was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.

CrimsonFox is very hurt. You can see it for how he is moving in the last momments.
Vlad Loff fakes a punch and launches himself over Devine Wind!
Jorge Imada is smart enough to avoid the clinch game by CrimsonFox and pushes him away!

Jorge Imada is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.

CrimsonFox moves backwards and Jorge Imada is asking him if he went today for fighting or for running.

Devine Wind grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Great takedown by Jorge Imada

The clock says 1:55 in the 3 round
Jorge Imada is in open guard over CrimsonFox
CrimsonFox throws his legs up in a triangle attempt!
Jorge Imada realizes the danger and stands up to avoid the attack.
Devine Wind climbs to his feet and now is standing.

Devine Wind is standing while CrimsonFox is in the ground on his back
Devine Wind launch a kick to CrimsonFox's thigh
Loud pop!
Dan Miragliotta halts the fight to stands up Jorge Imada. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Vlad Loff is on his feet again.

Jorge Imada moves forward looking for a hole in his opponent's defense.
You can hear some sparse boos from the fans.
Devine Wind pushes Vlad Loff and moves away from him. He seems to be recovering his breath.

The clock says 2:25 in the 3 round
Jorge Imada moves forward and launches a low kick.
Hard blow to CrimsonFox's left thigh

Both fighters circles around the center of the cage.

CrimsonFox decides to launch some tentative punches
Jorge Imada takes the best of a brief punching exchange.

Devine Wind moves backwards and Vlad Loff is asking him if he went today for fighting or for running.

The clock says 3:10 in the 3 round
Vlad Loff fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside.

Devine Wind tries some clinch in order to control the fight...
Well done. Devine Wind is clinching with CrimsonFox.
Vlad Loff tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Devine Wind is determined to work from the clinch. He pummeled through and managed to retain his position.

The fighters are clinching.
CrimsonFox pushes Jorge Imada against the fence and launches a few sick punches
Devine Wind blocks and pushes away his opponent creating space between them.

Devine Wind studies is opponent looking for a hole in his defense.

These two fighters are showing eachother a ton of respect.

The clock says 4:05 in the 3 round
Vlad Loff is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.

The clock says 4:15 in the 3 round
This is starting to resemble a Floyd Mayweather fight. You can here the boos starting.
The two exchange wildly
Both fighters are missing terribly.
CrimsonFox has a small cut in his Left cheek

CrimsonFox studies is opponent looking for a hole in his defense.

Vlad Loff takes a few seconds to recover his breath...

Vlad Loff leans forwards and tries to grapple with Devine Wind
Devine Wind wants to mantain the distance and ducks that one.

Vlad Loff is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.
The ref stops the action. The round is over.
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