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Old 10-12-2010, 09:12 PM   #263
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Round 1

Autumn and Rodriguez moves forwards as the bell indicates the beginning of the fight!

The clock says 0:10 in the 1 round
Gregor Strauss fakes a punch and launches himself over Rodriguez!
Nice move by Autumn who clinches and pushes Rodriguez against the cage
Rodriguez doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Gregor Strauss embrace and tries to move away...
Gregor Strauss pushes Rodriguez forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.

The fighters are clinching.
Autumn shows no signs of slowing down. He's in great shape.
Autumn tries to take Waylon Rodriguez to the ground from the clinch...
Nicely done! Rodriguez is with is back on the ground now.

Gregor Strauss is in open guard over Rodriguez
Rodriguez tries to close his guard around Autumn
He is not able to do it

Gregor Strauss is in open guard over Rodriguez
Rodriguez tries to close his guard around Autumn
He is not able to do it

Gregor Strauss is in open guard over Rodriguez
Gregor Strauss is a submission wizard. He has forgotten more BJJ than most fighters have learned.
Gregor Strauss tries to finish with a leg lock!
Rodriguez struggles for freeing himself
That leglock from Gregor Strauss appears to be unbreakable
Crippling lock!
Autumn is locking that leglock...
Rodriguez is able to break the lock.

Gregor Strauss is in open guard over Rodriguez
Gregor Strauss tries to pass to half guard...
Waylon Rodriguez can't prevent his opponent from passing. Autumn looks to work from half guard.

Gregor Strauss is in half guard over Rodriguez
Gregor Strauss hooks Rodriguez's left leg and sits back for a kneebar!
Waylon Rodriguez manages to kick Autumn away and scrammbles on top!

Waylon Rodriguez is in open guard over Autumn
Rodriguez tries to move to full mount
Rodriguez ground game is not enough to provide him any advantage

Waylon Rodriguez is in open guard over Autumn
Gregor Strauss gets an arm and tries to apply an armbar. Rodriguez spins out, but Gregor Strauss was ready for that and quickly switches to a triangle choke!
Rodriguez is too good and managed to back out of danger.
Josh Rosenthal halts the fight to stands up Gregor Strauss. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. There people who are watching this in venue is cheering up the fighters.

Gregor Strauss jabs at Rodriguez
hitting his chest.

The clock says 2:10 in the 1 round
Both fighters circles around the center of the cage.

The clock says 2:20 in the 1 round
Autumn tries some clinch in order to control the fight...
Well done. Autumn is clinching with Rodriguez.
Rodriguez doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Gregor Strauss embrace and tries to move away...
Gregor Strauss pushes Rodriguez forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.

Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Gregor Strauss fakes a punch to Waylon Rodriguez ribs and the tries to trip him
Waylon Rodriguez loses balance and goes to the ground

Gregor Strauss is in closed guard over Rodriguez
Gregor Strauss is looking to pass Waylon Rodriguez's guard...
Gregor Strauss gets his hips free and moves to half guard.

Gregor Strauss is in half guard over Rodriguez
Gregor Strauss tries to free his leg
Gregor Strauss use some of his skills by jumping out of Rodriguez's guard. He moves quickly to side mount!

The clock says 2:55 in the 1 round
Gregor Strauss is in side mount over Waylon Rodriguez
Gregor Strauss looks to mount Waylon Rodriguez...
Gregor Strauss slides his knee across and gets to mount.

The clock says 3:00 in the 1 round
Gregor Strauss is in full mount over Waylon Rodriguez
Gregor Strauss throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar!
Rodriguez Hyper-extended his arm
That Armbar from Gregor Strauss appears to be unbreakable
Rodriguez Hyper-extended his arm
That Armbar from Gregor Strauss appears to be unbreakable
That Armbar from Gregor Strauss appears to be unbreakable
You can see the pain reflected in Rodriguez's eyes...
Rodriguez struggles for freeing himself
Autumn is locking that Armbar...
Josh Rosenthal breaks Gregor Strauss's lock! This is over! Rodriguez didn't want to tap but the ref consideres he wouldn't be able to scape from it!

Winner is Gregor Strauss by Submission (Armbar) at 3:07 Round 1

Statistics: Gregor Strauss
Punches 1/1 (100%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 2/2 (100%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 4/4 (100%)
Clinches 2/2 (100%)
Damage caused 1025,54
Clinch Damage 182,46
Ground Damage 830,5
Time on the ground 111 s

Statistics: Waylon Rodriguez
Punches 0/0 (0%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 0/0 (0%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinches 0/0 (0%)
Damage caused 0
Clinch Damage 0
Ground Damage 0
Time on the ground 111 s
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