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Old 08-27-2018, 10:31 PM   #977
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Originally Posted by jct32 View Post
I think you are reacting too heavily to the internet. The internet is full of the fringe on both sides. These fringes are getting popular in the media. However, in my day to day life I don't see much of either fringe in the people I talk to. The media and the internet play up the fringe because that is what gets the views and consequently the money. I don't think it is bad as people make it out to be. I don't think most Republicans want Robert Mueller dead just like I don't think most Democrats want to take all our guns away. Just my view.

To be clear, I do not think that most republicans would like to see me dead. I do think though that It is becoming mainstream that I am the enemy. Its an active line of thinking that Fox News and some of the more popular pundits associated with that portion of the media that Liberals are the enemy. I'll just go ahead and quote Quiksand from the Trump thread:

It's patently obvious where the goalposts eventually land, right? At some point the MAGA message will simply shift to "as long as the Russians, whom we were working with of course, didn't actually go into the voting machines and change votes, then there's nothing wrong with what we did together to alter the US election." And 40% of America, and a theoretically valid Electoral College majority, will effectively agree that we have always been at war with Eastasia.

Basically this. And 40% of America is not an understatement. A good chunk of that 40% of the country has been actively conditioned over the last decade or more to believe that Liberals are worse than ISIS, worse than the Taliban, and certainly worse than innocent ol' mister putin. It doesn't matter. As long as the scary liberals lose, it doesn't matter who our nation sells its soul to. And with Russian influence and Russian money heavily invested in the NRA, this isn't even a fucking threadjack or sidetrack. Our nation is fucked. Exactly how badly our nation is fucked becomes more and more apparent every time there is a mass shooting. Every time children die in a school in a hail of bullets. Every time someone mentally ill has easy access to a firearm and uses it. Every time these things happen, this board devolves into what we're seeing right now. And many of us have known each other for 20 years. Many of us are reasonable people in almost every walk of life. But a bunch of children die in a shooting. A bunch of innocent people diet in a shooting, and it takes us 24 hours to devolve into ... well just read the history of this thread. Read how quick people are to argue, effectively, "yes a bunch of children died, BUT..." without even realizing it. And ask yourself how our nation recovers from the god awful place we've allowed ourselves to be led to.

Last edited by Radii : 08-27-2018 at 10:36 PM.
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