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Old 06-11-2010, 03:55 PM   #180
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Time to shift down to another peg. You have all been out there 20 minutes. This last peg, not much there to hold yourself on, really biting into your foot. SnDvls looking solid, gets himself placed. Maple can't seem to find anything comfortable, still moving around. He's watching them eat those cheeseburgers. He's going to have to outlast SnDvls to get those.

Greyroofoo and Thomkal both looking like they'd love to get down. Grey's still talking over there, keeping his mouth going. Both trying to get their heels on that peg, dangerous spot to balance on.

And Maple Leafs is down! You keep moving and your foot can just slip off. SnDvls, still focused. You can come down too now. That's one win for the Wolves. They need this win from Greyroofoo or one of them will be heading to Exile.

It's down to these two. It's been 25 minutes now. A long time to be in the sun, not moving. Your muscles are seizing up. Start thinking about stretching, scratching. But those pegs are little. Greyroofoo still trash talking over there, trying to rattle Thomkal. Thomkal just grinning and bearing it. You can see it's hurting. They're both trying to gut it out.
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