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Old 06-14-2010, 04:22 PM   #189
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
SnDvls and Heybrad are the first into the village, respectively. There's a lot fo places to look, a lot of false leads out there. They're going to have to look carefully, but of course it's all about the clock, who finishes first.

Heybrad finds one just a moment before SnDvls finds one as well. Maple Leafs is out in the village as soon as Heybrad is back, Heybrad sprinting back like he's on fire. There's some confusion on the wolves as to who should go next. They eventually sort it out and send Greyroofoo in. Luckily Maple Leafs has been having some trouble finding anything. They both take a good deal of time trying to find one of those planks, but both do, Maple keeping the Village lead intact and hurrying his plank back. Darth is out next while Greyrofoo is still working his way back.
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