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Old 11-26-2009, 11:07 PM   #217
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD

The bargee brings a round of Chai-cheer to your table and you drink to the health of Queen Evaine of Talestria. The mood soon becomes much friendlier and you learn that the soldier, whose name is Trost, is on his way back to his post at the Tharro garrison after enjoying a week's leave with his family in Phoena.

As you drink your ale, the sound of applause rises above the hubbub of conversation. An elderly man, tall and distinguished-looking, walks slowly to the centre of the floor and bows to his audience. His pale face and silver-grey hair are a stark contrast to his richly embroidered robes of crimson and gold. He smiles warmly and introduces himself as Count Conundrum, the prince of puzzles. For your amusement, he will pose some brain-twisting conundrums. So confident is he that none will be able to answer his riddles correctly that he is offering 20 Lune to anyone who can prove him wrong. A hush descends as the passengers await his first puzzle.

'If one-and-a-half geese lay one-and-a-half eggs in one-and-a-half days, how many eggs will three geese lay in eight days?'

4 Lune = 1 gold crown, fyi

The answer, of course, is 16. 3 geese make 3 eggs in 1 and a half days, which means they make 2 eggs a day. 2x8 = 16. I shout out the answer and Count Conundrum and he is a little flustered and asks me my logic and I explain. I win 5 crowns.
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