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Old 11-25-2009, 12:40 PM   #168
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD

The captain is an imposing man, tall, muscular, with a strong-jawed face, unmarked by battle or disease. His blond hair is cropped close to his head, and likewise, his beard and moustache are trimmed close to his tanned skin. You are invited to join his company, and as you drink your ale, you listen to their proud talk of war, of victories, of loot and wages--but never of defeat.

The captain and his men have grown tired of the war in the north. Prince Janveal of Helin is close to ruin, having sold all he owns to pay for a war against Baron Maghao of Karkaste that he cannot hope to win. The prince's troops are demoralized and his mercenaries desert him at the first opportunity. You learn that the captain is recruiting men for a campaign in the south. The war between Salony and Slovia has reached boiling point, and there is much gold to be had in the service of the Salonese Prince Ewevin while he besieges the city of Tekaro.

'You have the mien of a skilful warrior,' says the captain, his steel-blue eyes cold and unblinking. 'Why not join my company? I have need of fighters, and I pay with gold, not promises. We leave for Tekaro at dawn--will you ride with us?'

Politely you refuse the captain's offer, saying that you have come to Varetta on other business.

'What business is there for a warrior other than war?' retorts the captain, to the raucous delight of his men. You finish your ale and bid the captain and his company goodnight.

'If you change your mind, join us at Soren. We sail the river from there in two days' time.'
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