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Old 05-23-2010, 07:40 PM   #489
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
He heads out and goes right and the tunnel ends at a room. There is a ladder here, and Alzar climbs up to a small trap door and opens it. There is a giant scorpion in a room up here. Alzar grabs his axe and moves in. It wins init and snips twice and tails once Alzar, but auto misses. His axe bites deeply for 18 damage. It wins init and Alzar takes 8 and makes a poison save. He kills the scorpion with his second attack for 13. There is nothing up here, Alzar searched twice.

XP – 400

He leaves this section and goes right and then right again. The zombie taurian falls into a pit trap and took 2 damage. It easily climbs back out. The tunnel ends at a dead end, with nothing here. Hew returns to sections he has done, and then moves in the same direction as before. He finds a room to the side by itself. The zombie takes 4.

-6 for zombie for these two recent traps.

There is nothing else in the room and Alzar moves forward and then right. This passage opens into a circular room with a large bell in the center, but without a clapper, so to ring it, you’d have to hit it with something. Alzar skips ringing it. Alzar grabs a couple of rooms off the main corridor. One has a natural spring, and he searches and finds a silver ring. The next one has a large copper statue of a taurian that looks angry. Alzar investigates and it’s a two side statues with another head on the other sid,e but nothing happens, so they move on.

They pass a broken bones room, and then enter one with a another zombie taurian. Alzar controls it and adds it to his team. This one only has 9 hp but an AC of 5. They arrive at a passage with a pale green gas, and Alzar is immune. They arrive at a room that ends a tunnel, and there is a trap here. Alzar and the zombies are teleported west several squares. It’s to a corridor he’s been in before, so he just backtracks until he gets to where he wants to be. They find the body of an adventurer missing her sword and in badly damaged chain mail. Her body was pierced by many blades, and there is a parchment in her hand that says to seek the guard of gold and steel.

They arrive at a room with glowing fungus, and Alzar moves forward. It’s not harmful, just pretty. Left to another room . There is a pool of clear water at this intersection, and in the center is a white granite pillar, topped by a statue of a three headed winged humanoid. It tells Alzar to stop and not enter but he does and nothing happens. Alzar goes forward and arrives at another intersection where a statue in chiseled quartz shows a man in robes wearing a headdress. Alzar examines and finds nothing. He presses on.
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