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Old 07-13-2023, 02:21 PM   #57
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001

Yesterday was decent other than ending the day on a 7th, lets see if we can move up a bit today.

Game 1:

I have 3 noxus after the first orb, so that's going to be happening. I have 6 noxus and a 6 round win streak early - but two other people seem to want Noxus as well, so this is going to be an issue. I'm still 100 health going into stage 4 and on 4-2 take a Noxus augment so we're just going to contest all the way and see what happens. I should be able to get an easy top 4 since I'm still 100 health, 3rd place is 55, 4th is 38 at this point.

Oh this ended up crazy. We were down to 2 people on 5-6, so very early. It was me vs an Akshan reroller, I ended up winning after 6 rounds of 1 v 1's, super fun game. I added Azir and Nasus for Shurima and the Yorick's Graveyard gave us enough items to itemize 3 carries.


6 Noxus/2 Juggernaut/3 Shurima

Darius 3/Katarina 3/Azir (Damage)
Nasus/Swain (Tank)
Heimerdinger (5 cost Utility)
Kled/Cassio (traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: Yorick's Graveyard (gain an item when a player is eliminated)
2-1: Pumping Up II - Gain 10% attack speed and 1% additional attack speed every round
3-2: Unified Resistance I (Silver) - Armor and MR when you put 3 units on the same row
4-2: Total Domination (Gold) - Noxus units execute enemies below a certain health threshold.

Key Decision: sticking with Noxus even though it was contested. I was by far the strongest one and outlasted the rest and was able to hit my 3*'s

1st: +43 LP (Current: D4 55 LP)


Played game 1 at the end of the work day, ended up napping and eating dinner before any more games


Game 2:

A slow start, but one clearly angling us towards Jinx. We get Jinx's best Zaun mod (Robotic Arm, gives a chance for one extra attack every auto). Jinx is pretty easy to hit since there is always a Zed reroll taking other 2 costs out of the pool. This was a prismatic lobby so it wasn't easy, but we did position very well and played around some non standard traits for the Jinx comp to pull a 2nd.


4 gunner/3 piltover/2 zaun/2 freljord/2 bruiser

Jinx/Zeri (Damage)
Sejuani/Jarvan (Front Line)
Ashe/Ekko/Vi/Jayce (Traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: The University - 1st augment will be prismatic
2-1: Pumping Up III - Gain 10% attack speed and 2% additional attack speed every round
3-2: Unified Resitance 2 (Gold) - 3 units in the same row gain armor and MR
4-2: Gunner Crest (Gold) - gives a gunner emblem

Key Decision: playing ashe/sejuani for freljord which weakens armor, something I didn't get until a very late Last Whisper (and usually get from Heimer but I never found him)

2nd: +32 LP (Current: D4 87 LP)


Release night at work mandates another lengthy break - ended up calling it an early night

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