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Old 11-30-2009, 10:13 PM   #360
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Suddenly an arrow passes within a few inches of your face. The Vazhag archers have reached the top of the ladder and are poised to rush on to the platform itself. Anxiously you look around for some means of escape, but when none readily appears you fear you are trapped. Then you notice an observation platform jutting out of the wall. It is over on the far side of the hall, more than thirty yards away, and lies some ten feet below your present position.

A daring escape plan forms in your mind's eye and hurriedly you cast off your Cener Robe and Mask, a disguise which is now redundant, and prepare to enact your vision. (I put them back in my backpack.) You reach out and grab hold of the chain which once supported the cauldron. Then, using all your strength, you draw it back and leap into the air as the momentum carries you off the platform.

Your stomach churns as you swing across the hall and glance down at the dreadful carnage taking place a hundred feet below. Angry squeals and a clutch of arrows follow in your wake as the Vazhag archers try desperately to prevent you from getting away. Grimly you cling to the chain as it nears the end of its arc, and try to ignore the arrows that are whistling by on either side.

(I roll a 7 and add 2 for Grand Huntmastery. There it is)

My jump was perfect and I have arrived. Beyond a doorway is a flight of steps and I go up until I hit a fork. West or east? East.


You follow this dark passage for several minutes before arriving at what appears to be a dead end. You are about to turn around and retrace your steps when suddenly your senses alert you to an ornately carved brick in the facing wall. On closer examination you discover a keyhole, and a Cenerese engraving which bears the seal of Arch Druid Cadak.

(I use a Gold Key)

You insert the gleaming key into the keyhole and twist it clockwise. There is a faint click and, as you push, the wall glides inwards then moves away to your right. It reveals a small well-kept chamber, its walls lined with shelves containing hundreds of stoppered jars, each one neatly labelled.

The jars contain all manner of compounds and elements, from worthless dirt to precious gold dust, and many herbs besides. You search along the shelves and take down half a dozen jars whose contents you recognize:

Laumspur (Enough for 5 doses) Restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat.
Alether (Enough for 4 doses) Increases COMBAT SKILL by 2 points for duration of one fight only.
Gallowbrush (Enough for 2 doses) Induces 10 hours' sleep and loss of 2 ENDURANCE points per dose.
Sabito (Enough for 2 doses) Enables user to breathe underwater.
Laumwort (Enough for 3 doses) Restores 2 ENDURANCE points if swallowed before or after combat.
Oede (Enough for 1 dose) Very rare and valuable. Many healing properties. Cures serious diseases.

If you wish to keep one or more of the above jars, remember to record your choice on your Action Chart. All of these jars are Backpack Items.

This is the money. Each bottle takes up one space, and some of these have a ton of doses. Here is what I have in my Backpack:

Mirror, Cener Mask, Cener Robex2, Rope, 2x Laumpsur. I have three spaces. I take the Laumpur uber-bottle, Alether uber-bottle, and Oede. I put the Cener Robe and Mask back on screw this. I grab everything else too.
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