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Old 11-20-2009, 07:24 PM   #46
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
A short while later I am awake and the coach is moving and there are five other passengers. I have to roll the die. I get a 0.

After a few hours, we stop at the Shrine of Kalanane, built upon the grave of King Alin. All around it grow clumps of Laumspur. I can choose to pick some, so I do. I have picked enough for a meal, and it also will heal me 3 EP when I eat it.

As I journey, I get a chance to meet my coach-mates.

Ganon and Dorier are two brothers, and both are knights of the Order of the White Mountain, a warrior group that tries to make the Wildlands safe by killing the more dangerous monsters including bandits. They own a castle and land near Port Bax.

Halvorc is a merchant. He was recently beat up by the soldiers of Lachlan in Ragadorn and is now trying to escape after having his money and stock confiscated.

Parsion is a priest, and a Sommlending like myself who has journeyed so far on coach.

Viveka is the final person, a mercenary and adventurer. She sells her services to the highest bidder and is returning to Port Bax after a successful adventure in Ragadorn.

My cover story is that I am a simple peasant from Sommerlund. The people in the cabin appear to be ignorant of the fact that war rages now in Sommerlund.

At dusk we arrive at an inn. It is 1 gold crown for coach passengers and 3 crowns for everybody else. As we leave, I am asked to show my ticket, and do so. I pay two gold crowns, one for a meal from the inn and another for the room. 20 left.

As I am in the Wildlands, no meals by Hunting, not that I have it anyway. The Wildlands are really only inhabited by Szalls, small, weak and cowardly versions of Giaks.
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