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Old 04-27-2010, 12:04 PM   #689
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Conyers GA
PB applies poison to his blade.

Room 16:

You pick the lock and open the door.

Inside is a large dimly lit smoky room. The room is made of rough rock - it's barely a room at all, closer to a cavern.

You smell burning flesh, but can't make out much beyond a smoky haze in front of you.

And that's when you hear a shrieking sound and are confronted by:

2 Winged Harpies.

They seem to call out in their unnatural language, and they are joined by:

2 Spined Devils.

They attack.

The harpies begin by singing their Alluring Song. They are trying to charm you!

J23 is charmed!
PB resists
hoops is charmed!

The Spined Devils hang back and shoot poison spines at you.

They both miss.


The harpies close in and attack with their claws!

Harpy 1: miss

Harpy 2: miss

Spined Devil 1: miss

Spined Devil 2: hits hoops!

J23: charmed

PB: hits harpy 1

Hoops: charmed


Harpy 1: hits j23

Harpy 2: miss

Spined Devil 1: miss

Spined Devil 2: miss

J23: charmed

PB: miss

Hoops: escapes charm and hits harpy


Harpy 1: miss

Harpy 2: hits PB

Spined Devil 1: hits pb

Spined Devil 2: miss

J23: escapes charm and casts fireball! It damages 1 harpy and both devils!

PB: miss

Hoops: hits harpy 2x


Harpy 1: miss

Harpy 2: miss

Spined Devil 1: hits pb

Spined Devil 2: miss

J23: casts sleep. Harpy 2 falls asleep!

PB: hits - and harpy 1 is hurt!

Hoops: miss


Harpy 1: miss

Harpy 2: sleeps

Spined Devil 1: miss

Spined Devil 2: hits hoops

J23: hits - and harpy 1 is DOWN!

PB: hits devil 1

Hoops: miss


Harpy 2: sleeps

Spined Devil 1: hits j23

Spined Devil 2: hits pb

J23: hits

PB: miss

Hoops: miss


Harpy 2: sleeps

Spined Devil 1: miss

Spined Devil 2: hits hoops

J23: casts heal on hoops

PB: hits sd1

Hoops: hits 2x!


Harpy 2: sleeps

Spined Devil 1: hits pb

Spined Devil 2: miss

J23: casts improved heal on pb

PB: hits!

Hoops: misses


Harpy 2: wakes up and misses

Spined Devil 1: miss

Spined Devil 2: hits hoops

J23: miss

PB: miss

Hoops: hits 2x.

And the spine devil goes down!


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