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Old 06-25-2010, 11:42 AM   #642
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by SnDvls View Post
not sure of the day it was the reward day the villagers won the hamburgers.

I consider dice rolls & "luck" to be random as neither were a skill set

I major improvement to this game is 1) tell everyone what the skills are and do before the game 2) allow us "X" number of points to assign our skills ourselves then we would feel like we had a hand in our own victory or demise.

It was great I had Excellent stamina, but with Poor strenght it was pretty useless. Also I had a hard time explaining to anyone how Heybrad could outrun me in the bag challenge when he clearly couldn't catch me in the 1st part of the challenge. Some things in your "story telling" didn't translate at all to what was being said/told to us initinally. This is how I felt after that challenge after reading the results. It just didn't jive with me at all.

The bag challenge is one I can illustrate maybe. If you had the bag you had a chance to just run away, if your run was far better than the people chasing you. If it wasn't (and in the case of your group no one much of a run rating), then it was a combination of Scrappy and Run that determined if you could get away from the others. Thus while Heybrad couldn't run for crap he had a good Scrappy and could keep you from getting away.

in particular that was one challenge hwere it was basically a deadlock. Everybody's ratings, once extra effort was accounted for, were almost all tied and so it took a while to figure out who would win. In the future I would introduce a finer grained scale on the ratings. I also in that case took everybody's strategy into play, so at times someone was getting blocked by someone else, while someone ran or passed.

There were challenges where Stamina came into play, even without strength, but it was often a blend of ratings so it may not have been obvious. Sometimes it also controlled how many times you could use another rating before it started deteriorating.

Sorry it didn't work for you, SnDvls. I wish it had worked out more even between the tribes, I think that was frustrating. If I did it again I would work harder to make sure the tribes were balanced for initial play.

I'd also wish really hard you guys would build a shelter ;-) You should have seen what the Villagers had put together. You guys would have performed much better if you had worked together to keep your health up. That was another reason your ratings didn't seem to match up perhaps, the Villagers often had extra effort to spare, while sometimes the Wolves efforts were limited by your health.
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