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Old 04-29-2010, 09:37 PM   #79
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
This room is identical to the first, down to the same three statues and an westward exit.

They open the door and see another hallway of alcoves and statues, except this time three on each side, and then double doors at the end. Skeletons run up and down it, and find nothing. There are statues exactly like those above in here. Platinum, adventurer types, running, happiness on their faces too.

The double doors are opened and they enter a 20 foot square room bathed in golden light. To the west are double bronze doors with ornate lattice work on them. There are arches to the north and south, with rooms on either side.

Beyond the north arch is the light and glinting of thousands of gold pieces. The south room appears identical to the north room, but devoid of anything.

Animal skeletons are sent north and south, and as soon as the first one crosses each, they turn to platinum and are dead. The rest are recalled. 21 left. They are levitated out of the area and disappear.

Without an obvious option, they open the bronze double doors.

There is a corridor with normal doors to the north and south, and double doors to the west at the end of the 30 feet.

They go north, parallel to where the treasure is, after sending in skeletons.

This is an extravagantly furnished bedroom with a gilt framed bed, tapestries, a huge vanity and wardrobe, mirrors, small jars and a large glass vial, and there is a gate that leads to an alcove with a level attached to the wall next to it. After an extensive search, nothing is found here, the level opens the gate and something tossed through it disappears, as expected.

They go south and try the door, but it is locked. With no way to open it, the party continues.
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