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Old 10-13-2010, 09:14 PM   #309
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Round 1

Devine Wind and Rodriguez moves forwards as the bell indicates the beginning of the fight!

A punch from Waylon Rodriguez
whizzes past Devine Wind.

The clock says 0:25 in the 1 round
Brilliant combination from Waylon Rodriguez
Devine Wind is showing some dodging skills avoiding that ones.
Waylon Rodriguez gets sloppy and Jorge Imada tries to take advantage...
Jorge Imada throws a punch
that gets deflected.

Both fighters circles around the center of the cage.

A punch from Waylon Rodriguez
grazes Devine Wind's left cheek.

The clock says 0:55 in the 1 round
Rodriguez launch a hook to the body
Jorge Imada moves aside looking for a counter...

Rodriguez launch a hook to the body
Jorge Imada moves aside looking for a counter...

Rodriguez looks in very good shape.
Waylon Rodriguez is measuring Devine Wind with his jab.
Good accuracy on his part.

Rodriguez studies is opponent looking for a hole in his defense.

Jorge Imada fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside.

Waylon Rodriguez fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside.

Jorge Imada fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside.

The clock says 1:50 in the 1 round
Waylon Rodriguez moves forward and launches a low kick.
Hard blow to Devine Wind's left thigh

The clock says 2:00 in the 1 round
Rodriguez is holding Jorge Imada right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Jorge Imada shows a great balance while pushing away Waylon Rodriguez
Rodriguez clumsily fails here and it's time for Jorge Imada to fight back!
Brilliant combination from Jorge Imada
Rodriguez is showing some dodging skills avoiding that ones.

Waylon Rodriguez moves forward looking for a hole in his opponent's defense.
The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.

Waylon Rodriguez is measuring Devine Wind with his jab.
Good accuracy on his part.

Good movement from Rodriguez
who is bobbing and weaving.
Rodriguez misses a step and Jorge Imada sees an opportunity to counter him!
A punch from Jorge Imada
whizzes past Rodriguez.

The fans feel like they are watching a Floyd Mayweather fight. Here come the boos.
Rodriguez grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Devine Wind struggles... Waylon Rodriguez is unable to take him down

Tremendous strikes from Rodriguez!
Some big punches are landing!

The clock says 2:50 in the 1 round
The people here in venue is booing the fighters. They should put some action if they want a better reaction!
Devine Wind throws a body kick.
Blocked by Rodriguez.

Rodriguez steps backwards away from Jorge Imada. He seems to be cooling down the fight a bit.

Devine Wind decides to launch some tentative punches
Waylon Rodriguez takes the best of a brief punching exchange.

The clock says 3:20 in the 1 round
The fans feel like they are watching a Floyd Mayweather fight. Here come the boos.
Devine Wind steps backwards away from Waylon Rodriguez. He seems to be cooling down the fight a bit.

This may be a mismatch. Jorge Imada doesn't know how to stand before Waylon Rodriguez.
Both fighters circles around the center of the cage.

This fight is very one sided. Waylon Rodriguez is mauling Jorge Imada.
Jorge Imada tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown...
Rodriguez is unable to remain on his feet and falls to the ground

Jorge Imada is in open guard over Rodriguez
Rodriguez tries to close his guard around Devine Wind
He success!

Jorge Imada is in closed guard over Rodriguez
Devine Wind struggles in the ground and tries to break Waylon Rodriguez's guard...
Rodriguez doesn't want to free his opponent and Devine Wind continues in closed guard

Jorge Imada is in closed guard over Rodriguez
Devine Wind is in closed guard... Rodriguez tries to roll on the ground!
Jorge Imada uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
Rodriguez misses a step and Jorge Imada sees an opportunity to counter him!
Devine Wind tries to scape from the closed guard
Jorge Imada any adventage in the ground.

Jorge Imada is in closed guard over Rodriguez
Devine Wind is in closed guard... Rodriguez tries to roll on the ground!
Jorge Imada uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
Rodriguez misses a step and Jorge Imada sees an opportunity to counter him!
Devine Wind tries to improve his position in the ground as he sits on his knees and tries to break the closed guard.
Rodriguez leans and gets Jorge Imada's arms as he brings him again to the ground.

Jorge Imada is in closed guard over Rodriguez
Deep breaths from Waylon Rodriguez who tries a hammer punch to Devine Wind ribs.
Devine Wind blocks those punches
Herb Dean has seen enough pasivity on the ground and stand the fighters.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. There people who are watching this in venue is cheering up the fighters.

Rodriguez studies is opponent looking for a hole in his defense.

Waylon Rodriguez and Devine Wind engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Both fighters are missing terribly.

A solid combination from Jorge Imada
mostly hits air.
The referee separates the fighters as the buzz sounds.
This round is clearly for Waylon Rodriguez.
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