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Old 08-03-2013, 08:35 PM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2009
I'm not talking about nerfs or the game engine or playability.

It's platform stability of all the things what work AROUND FOF that Im worried about, not the FOF engine itself.
Does Conscriptor still work? If so, does it output files in the same format.
Can I or do I still need to do an extractor.
Does DBUpdater work? Did it change the structure of the DB so something crashes.
Do we need batches. Do they work.

Those are the things we need to work through as a community.

We had issues when Windows versions change. The Program Files to Appdata change for security.

The folks who play in our leagues are as worried about consistency and a seamless switch as they are about the new engines. They will be patient with some hiccups. We all will be because we know they will happen. But how do we limit them in the first place.
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