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Old 12-24-2010, 08:55 AM   #405
Hattrick Moderator
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Pintendre, Qc, Canada
Originally Posted by FrogMan View Post
Cause of Death looks intriguing. New free episodes available on a weekly basis...


I downloaded the FREE version of both Cause of Death and its predecessor in style by EA, Surviving High School and I must say, these are fun.

For Cause of Death, think about it as if you're watching an episode of a CSI type of show but are playing the role of one of the detectives. You simply touch the screen to keep the comic style dialogue bubbles going back and forth as you discuss with other detectives or suspects. Every once in a while you have to make a choice between two line of discussions and some of these choices have a timer so you have to stay alert. The game is in its first week but from what I understand, new episodes are released for free every Friday and each case are split into chapters (don't know how many per episode as I've not finished the first episode). You can pay to play past episodes you missed if you want, or pay to play next week's episode in advance if you really want. You earn detective points every time you gear the investigation toward something good. You can replay chapters, trying to earn 90 detective out of 100 for every chapter in order to unlock some special stuff.

It's got very much a "write your own adventure" kind of feeling.

Surviving High School is the same but, well, in High School. It's kinda fun to play as an adult but looks geared a bit more toward teens.

The neat thing with these FREE version is that it's the full version of the game but simply with ads. Sometimes it's a banner ad on top and sometimes it's an ad break at the end of the chapter that you can close by touching the X at the bottom of the screen...

All in all, they're fun reads so far, nothing too deep, but fun.

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